March/April 2022
Adar I / Adar II / Nisan 5782
Rabbi’s Message
Dear Beth Israel Members and Friends,
Winter in Maine highlights contradictions that exist all year long but feel especially poignant during these colder months. Have you walked outside on a truly frigid day and despite the single digit temperatures noticed the gift of the sun that warms your back? Have you caught a glimpse of a seemingly barren tree covered with dozens of lively birds who stick around for the winter? These ordinary moments of a Maine winter amaze me and fill me with gratitude that we are alive to experience this special time of year.
Winters in Maine also heighten our awareness of the vast disparities in our community, some of which go unseen in our rural state. While many have a warm place to call home, so many spend freezing nights, piled under blankets, in their cars. Truly winter is a season of contrasts.
The Jewish answer to contradictions both bitter and sweet is to bless, with gratitude, what is sweet, and act in the world to ameliorate pain and suffering.
Poet Marge Piercy says it best in her poem, “The Art of Blessing the Day.” There she writes that blessing involves the following:
But the discipline of blessings is to taste
each moment, the bitter, the sour, the sweet
and the salty, and be glad for what does not
hurt. The art is in compressing attention
to each little and big blossom of the tree
of life, to let the tongue sing each fruit,
its savor, its aroma and its use.
Attention is love, what we must give
children, mothers, fathers, pets,
our friends, the news, the woes of others.
What we want to change we curse and then
pick up a tool. Bless whatever you can
with eyes and hands and tongue. If you
can't bless it, get ready to make it new.
As we prepare to turn again to a flurry of Jewish holidays: Purim, Passover and later in June Shavuot, may we not lose sight of the contrasts and contractions brought out by the cold winter months but instead with gratitude work together to foster more wholeness, healing and light in our community and beyond.
Rabbi Vinikoor
100th Anniversary Celebration
by Marilyn Weinberg
The sidewalks were filled with snow but the sun was shining on our 100th anniversary celebration on Sunday, January 30. Over 100 people gathered at the corner of Centre and Washington St. and we all marched up to the synagogue singing “Hineh Ma Tov“, Elaine and Lon Povich carried the Torah under the chuppah as their great grandfather had done in 1922.
We listened to meaningful speeches from members, friends, and dignitaries. And money was raised for immigrant relief through HIAS as well as our own Centennial Campaign.
To get the full story visit our website at:
Watch the video (courtesy of Mark Ireland) of the wonderful celebration and read all of the newspaper articles and speeches
President’s Message
by Peggy Brown
Our 100 Year Anniversary Celebration on January 30 was so great—perfect really. Yes, it was very cold and there was a lot of snow on the ground but it was clear and bright and everyone who could be there showed up. There was singing and speeches and snacks. Thanks again to Marilyn for organizing and to everyone who donated time, ideas, effort, speeches and good spirit. It was an event to remember and cherish.
On a less happy note—after the alarming and frightening hostage situation in Colleyville, Texas our Security Committee was reminded that we have unfinished work to do. Before the pandemic, we had identified the need to create a second exit from the synagogue sanctuary but the idea languished as our attention turned to providing a safe way to meet while a deadly virus was present. Suddenly, the images from Colleyville made it clear how critical it is to provide a means of escape in the event that the entrance is blocked. In late January the Security Committee met with Bath building designer Haley Blanco to discuss exit door ideas. The outcome of that meeting was to contract with her to draw up some plans for this project. More news on this in the months ahead.
The Beth Israel Board continues to be busy on multiple fronts—education, governance, building, security, social action, programming, “Sunshine,” and the general well-being of congregational life. We are reviewing our by-laws, working on interesting educational opportunities, staying abreast of security and social developments in the Jewish world and planning for our sustainable future. We are grateful for committed individuals who step up to help even when their lives are busy and demanding. If you are looking for a way to get involved, please get in touch. We can always use your help. The rewards of involvement are new friendships and the knowledge that you are making a meaningful contribution to our community.
Upcoming Adult Ed Options
by Joey Glick
So far in my time with Beth Israel, I have loved hearing the wisdom and depth that people in this community bring to the study of Jewish texts. I'm excited to continue learning with you. I'll be starting with two online classes. If there's a particular corner of the Jewish tradition (like mystical literature, 20th century theology, Jewish writing on animals...) that you'd love to learn or teach, please let me know.
Thursday, March 10, 7:30 pm on Zoom
A Brief Intro to the Talmud and its Twists and Turns
What is the Talmud? Where does it come from and how can we access and read it today? We’ll cover these questions and more in this online class as I join with Anne Schlitt to give a basic overview of the Talmud and Anne will take us deep into a passage she has learned in her daily Talmud learning practice.
Tuesday, March 22, 7:30 pm on Zoom
A Brief Intro to the Midrash and its Twists and Turns
What is the Midrash? Where does it come from and how can we access and read it today? We’ll cover these questions and more in this online class. The Midrash is the ancient Jewish habit of interpreting and retelling Biblical stories with the goal of finding meaning and relevance in ancient stories. I will take us deep into a single verse from the Bible and its long midrashic history. This program was planned in collaboration with Nonny Soifer.
For those of us with more of a background in these texts, I hope these classes give you a sense for how to pick up, study, and share ancient Jewish wisdom.
Afghan Resettlement
“Welcome the Stranger. Protect the Refugee”
by by Joanne Rosenthal
Wow! We made the call to action and you showed up! As we’ve known for several months, Afghan families would be arriving in Brunswick and Bath on very short notice. The SignUpGenius went out Thursday morning and by days end ALL of the items requested had been purchased and delivered to the two drop off points. Two families moved to Brunswick and will receive case management and support services through HIAS (Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society) and the JCA. If you see yourself getting more involved in the resettlement process, there will be several opportunities to learn more at Zoom sessions on:
Monday, March 7 from 4:00-5:30 pm: REGISTER HERE
Wednesday, March 16 from 5:00-6:30 pm: REGISTER HERE
Thursday, March 24 from 1:00-2:30 pm: REGISTER HERE
A central need is that of identifying housing for the refugee families. If you own or know of rental housing, (including Airbnbs), please contact:
Siobhan Whalen
She/Her/Hers (why pronouns matter)
Refugee Resettlement Manager
Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
1342 Congress Street
Portland, ME 04102
207-772-1959 ext. 305
Mishloach Manot–Purim Gift Baskets
by Marilyn Weinberg
Purim is coming up—and that means it’s time to start prepping your best costumes, rehearsing for the spiel, and of course, planning out what to put in your mishloach manot—Purim gift baskets.
There are four important mitzvot or commandments associated with Purim—and they’re all related to taking care of one another. They are reading the Megillah, having a special meal, giving to those in need, and giving gifts to friends and neighbors.
That’s right, this awesome holiday that’s full of dress up fun and merriment is also about helping our friends, neighbors, and community. Yes, Purim is a day for celebrating how much kindness we can give to others.
Since many of us are still home more than we usually are, this is a great time to put together baskets, bags, or containers of food to give to others. You might have neighbors or friends to whom you would like to give a bag of treats.
If you would like to participate in this Purim ritual and share your items with Beth Israel members, we would like you to sign up. We then will send you names of people in your area to whom you might deliver your treats.
Purim Celebration
by Marilyn Weinberg
Thursday, March 17
In the Synagogue and on Zoom
Please join us for our community Purim celebration. Don’t forget to come dressed in costume even if you are on Zoom.
5:00 pm - Megillah Reading at the Synagogue
5:45 pm - Pizza & Hamantaschen
Come and shake your gragger and stamp your feet. This will be a Megillah reading not to be forgotten. Fun for all ages.
Passover Seder Along the Kennebec
by Marilyn Weinberg
Saturday, April 16
(rain date - Sunday, April 17)
12:00 pm
Maine Maritime Museum
Its time to be together again for Passover.
Let’s gather outside on the great lawn of the Maine Maritime Museum in Bath. Bring wine/juice and drinks and a picnic lunch for you and your family along with chairs and/or a blanket to sit on. We will provide all the items you need for the seder including matzoh, charoset, eggs, horseradish, and parsley.
Reservations required by April 8.
Sign up here.
To cover expenses:
$10 per person/$15 per family for members
$15 per person/$25 per family for non-members
Counting the Omer with Yoga
by Rabbi Vinikoor
Join Rabbi Vinikoor and Johnna Stanton, Certified Yoga Instructor, for a 6-part Yoga series to engage heart and mind during the season of counting the Omer. We’ll mark the traditional 49 day time period between Passover and Shavuot by gathering weekly from mid-April to early June.
Each session will begin with a brief Torah study followed by an accessible and fun yoga practice. This class is open to all Beth Israel members and friends regardless of yoga experience. Join us for a grounding, in-person, safe and accessible way to connect/reconnect with yourself and community.
We’ll gather at 10:00 am at the Minnie Brown Center. Specific dates will follow. Registration is required in advance. Class is limited to 25 participants. Cost is drop-in $10 at the door. All Beth Israel COVID-19 protocols must be followed including proof of vaccination and masking while indoors.
If you need childcare to attend this event, please reach out to Rabbi Vinikoor.
For any questions or concerns, email Rabbi Vinikoor.
Micah Greenwald Bar Mitzvah
by Liza Greenwald
Micah Greenwald is a seventh grader at Brunswick Jr High School. He is looking forward to becoming a Bar Mitzvah and celebrating with family and friends on April 9, after two years of pandemic lockdown.
Micah attended the French School of Maine through the fourth grade and is fluent in French. He also plays the saxophone, both alto and baritone, in the school band and jazz ensemble. Micah’s favorite place to be is in the water. He is a member of the Long Reach Swim Club where he has developed some of his greatest friendships. Micah also loves to ski and travel with family. He is an animal lover and foodie.
For Micah’s Bar Mitzvah project, he is helping coach the Special Olympics swim team in Bath.
We are so proud of the person he has become.
Community Read—Book Nominations, Please
by Debbie Smyth
We had a robust discussion on February 7 of Inheritance by Dani Shapiro. Many thanks to all who participated and to our very able discussion leader, Janet Marstine.
The Community Read Committee is seeking book nominations now for its next discussion on Monday, June 13 at 7:00 pm.
We are hoping to draw in as many perspectives as possible (age, gender, sexual orientation, etc.) and include some connection to Jews, Judaism, Jewish history, although that need not be a major theme. Fiction? Nonfiction? Anything goes.
Please send us your thoughts. Under consideration already are Man's Search for Meaning by Frankl and Greenblatt's It Could Happen Here. What would you suggest?
Please send nominations to Debbie Smyth.
REMEMBRANCES FOR march–april 2022
May their memories be for a blessing.
We Remember | Hebrew Date | Calendar Date (2022) |
Robert Goldstein | 28 Adar I | March 1 |
Jacques Benveniste | 29 Adar I | March 2 |
Carol Jablow | 12 Adar II | March 15 |
Edward L. Selig | 12 Adar II | March 15 |
Edward Haller | 20 Adar II | March 23 |
Helen Isaacson | 22 Adar II | March 25 |
Linda S Beaumont | 23 Adar II | March 26 |
Harry Shartar | 24 Adar II | March 27 |
Joseph Silberstein | 24 Adar II | March 27 |
Virginia King | 28 Adar II | March 31 |
Jennie Ensel | 4 Nisan | April 5 |
Gerald Feldman | 6 Nisan | April 7 |
Susan Starobin | 8 Nisan | April 9 |
Leo Borenstein | 9 Nisan | April 10 |
Elaine Friedberg Giulianti | 9 Nisan | April 10 |
Sandor Polster | 10 Nisan | April 11 |
Fred Gersh | 13 Nisan | April 14 |
Ellen Leavy | 14 Nisan | April 15 |
Jesse Lane | 20 Nisan | April 21 |
Louis Sarazan | 23 Nisan | April 24 |
Rebecca Patt Cohen | 24 Nisan | April 25 |
Morris Filler | 26 Nisan | April 27 |
Gladys Filler | 26 Nisan | April 27 |
Harold Hershenhart | 27 Nisan | April 28 |
Harold Gilman | 28 Nisan | April 29 |
Michael Lobenthal | 28 Nisan | April 29 |
Peter Rubin | 28 Nisan | April 29 |
Cheryl Milkes Moore | 29 Nisan | April 30 |
Listing the birthdays and anniversaries of those in our immediate family creates a wonderful opportunity for our community/shul family to have an excuse to celebrate with each other.
March Birthdays | March Anniversaries |
2 | Ethan Stern-Hayes | 1 | Ken Rosen & Ellen Kempler |
2 | Noah Stern-Hayes | 15 | Jennie & Campbell Clegg |
3 | Donny Giulianti | 19 | Glen & Beth Eisman |
4 | Robert Lenox | 19 | Rachel & Eric Jordan |
5 | Gary Torow | ||
8 | Tersesa Gandler | ||
9 | Andrew Schoenberg | ||
10 | Monica Blatt | ||
11 | Annie Valliere | ||
13 | Jennie Clegg | ||
14 | Bart D'Alauro | ||
15 | Michelle Lisi-D'Alauro | ||
16 | Peter Felsenthal | ||
17 | David Sickle | ||
20 | Maurie Libner | ||
21 | Ken Rosen | ||
21 | Zachary Stern-Hayes | ||
24 | Alec Brodsky | ||
28 | Campbell Clegg | ||
28 | George Turner | ||
30 | Merna Guttentag | ||
31 | Andrew Lardie |
April Birthdays | April Anniversaries |
2 | Lisa Tessler | 5 | Daniel Stone & Laura McCandlish |
3 | Alan Mayer | ||
3 | Patricia Brennan | ||
5 | Ellen Kempler | ||
5 | Gila Cohen-Shaw | ||
6 | Nora Boyle-Lardie | ||
8 | Mort Panish | ||
9 | Susan Horowitz | ||
9 | Andrew Helman | ||
12 | Greg Friedel | ||
13 | Sheila Cohen | ||
13 | Elinor Rosenberg | ||
17 | Peggy Brown | ||
18 | Barbara Baseman | ||
18 | Leslie Shaw | ||
19 | Sara Helman | ||
19 | Eric Jordan | ||
24 | Jennifer Kanwit | ||
24 | Elise Friedel | ||
28 | Solomon Sinclair | ||
28 | Leopold Sinclair |
Memorial Gifts
Merna and Joe Guttentag in loving memory of her brother, Theodore Cohn
Jon and Lorna Lichter in loving memory of his father, David Lichter
Shelia Cohen in loving memory of her sister, Deborah Cohen
Karen and Matthew Filler in loving memory of her grandmother, Sarah Silverman Lang
Karen and Matt Filler in loving memory of their niece, Gillian Leigh Higman
Stephen and Marina Singer in loving memory of his sister, Anne Alvare
Stephen and Marina Singer in loving memory of Isadore Singer, Ada Greenblatt and Goldie Singer
Erich and Pauline Haller in loving memory of his father, Edward Haller
Erich and Pauline Haller in loving memory of their son, Peter Haller
Barbara and Robert Lenox in loving memory of her mother, Freda Selig
Stan Lane and Norma Dreyfus in loving memory of his mother, Janet Lane
Jerryanne LaPerriere in loving memory of Lorraine Bouchard, mother of Sharon Bouchard and mother-in-law of Maurie Libner
Jerryanne LaPerriere in loving memory of her parents
Phyllis and Joseph Lisi in loving memory of her father, Milton Millstein
Karen and Matthew Filler in loving memory of her mother, Frances Lang Feldman
Barbara and Robert Lenox in loving memory of her father, Mishael Selig and her brother, Edward Selig
Mara and Donald Giulianti in loving memory of her father, Leon Berman
George and Mary Samiljan in loving memory of his mother, Bernice Samiljan
Marilyn and Fred Weinberg in loving memory of her mother, Ann Isacoff and her sister, Judy Gelles
Fred and Marilyn Weinberg in loving memory of his parents, Marvin and Frances Weinberg and his brother, Robert Weinberg
Ellen Hagler in loving memory of her husband, Michael Hagler
Shelia Cohen in loving memory of her mother, Helen Freedman Cohen
Gary Torow in loving memory of his mother, Ann Torow
Mary and Bud Samiljan in loving memory of her father, John Ramsey
In Memory of Rabbi Simeon Maslin
Fred and Marilyn Weinberg
Peggy Brown and John Martell
Lenore and Jay Friedland
Marty Fox and Thyle Shartar
Building Fund
Shelia Cohen
For the Benefit of the Synagogue
Virginia Fish
Anthony Sager
Nila and Karen Tcheyan
Amy E. Waterman
Elliot Rosen and Sharon Cohen
Virginia Fish
The Friedel Family in honor of Alina Shumsky, who is giving of her own time to share teachings with our Hebrew School children
Jon and Lorna Lichter
In Honor of the Synagogue’s 100th Anniversary
Kate Stern and Cathy Hayes
Catherine Field in honor of Annie Valliere
Maurie Libner and Sharon Bouchard
Carol Bernstein-Eckstein and Martin Eckstein
Elaine Povich and Ronald Dziengiel for the honor at the celebration
Lon Povich for the honor of carrying the Torah at the celebration
Rev. Carolyn Eklund
Sherrie Bergman and Donald Quaid
Cragg Hines in honor of Elaine Povich
Marilyn and Fred Weinberg
Katherine and Wilbur Higgins
Barrett and Barbara Silver
Camille Kauffunger
Centennial Campaign
David Levi
David Michelson and Yeonmi Ahn
Richard Cohen and Eliza Gouverneur
The Lipsman/Wright Family
Adam and Tiffanie Lopatin
Debra and Daniel Stone in honor of the McCandlish-Stone Family