September/October 2018
Elul /Tishri/Heshvan 5778/5779
Presidents Message
by Marilyn Weinberg
With days still warm and humid, it’s hard to believe that summer is already nearing its end and our High Holiday time is drawing near. We always joke that the holidays are early or late, but this year they are earlier than usual. Just as our children and grandchildren are starting their school year, we are starting our new religious year, 5779. The month of September is filled with holidays every week. It’s as if the Rabbis who put all of these holidays together decided we needed a jolt to our system to pay attention to the days ahead.
Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur provide us with time for personal reflection and an opportunity to renew our commitment for positive change. As the days before Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur draw near, I always feel blessed that we are given an opportunity to “take stock” of where we are and decide on those things we want to change. This is an opportunity to look not at just ourselves, but also at our community and think about our focus, direction and commitment. I am especially thankful that Rabbi Lisa Vinikoor is here and is helping us navigate this journey.
No one person gives a synagogue life. It only works when we all pitch in. Although our membership is not large, there is the benefit in a small shul in that each person plays a very important role. When you come to services on a Friday night or Saturday morning, you make a difference. When you bring food for an oneg, you make a difference. When you help out at a Hebrew School function, you make a difference. There are so many opportunities to make a difference in our synagogue and make a real contribution to the life of our congregation.
We do face our challenges. Our synagogue building, although in fairly good repair, still needs regular upkeep. We have begun to make a list of the updates needed at the Minnie Brown Center and it’s a bit overwhelming. And creating new programs often has a monetary demand connected with it. So with the joy of new leadership we also face the burden of asking for your financial support as we continue to grow and flourish in the future.
We welcome all of you who choose to be a part of the Beth Israel community in some way and wish you a most wonderful new year.
L'Shanah Tova
Rabbi’s Message
by Rabbi Lisa Vinikoor
Dear Beth Israel friends,
It’s mid-August, and I have nearly completed my first full summer in Maine and am grateful for a moment to step back and reflect on my experience of this summer. Over these past few months of the summer season, I’ve greeted first time visitors to Bath who seek out our synagogue and enhance our Shabbat morning of Torah and conversation. The arrival of Beth Israel congregants who are here only during the summer months has enriched our community in so many ways. Praying together outside at Shabbat Under the Stars has enlivened our congregation. On these spirited Shabbatot, I’ve enjoyed the warm welcome of our hosts and prayed amidst the vast world of nature. The joyous flow of friends and relatives who have come to visit Alyssa, Shira and me in our home has filled our weekends with connection and love. I continue to marvel at the humidity and heat waves followed by rainy downpours and the gracious return to cool nights.
In the spirit of reflection, both at the end of the summer season and towards the High Holidays, I share with you below one of my favorite poems by Marge Piercy. In the poem, Piercy employs images of the waning summer season and the garden’s bounty to help us consider this time of reflection in preparation for the Jewish New Year.
Coming Up on September
by Marge Piercy
White butterflies, with single
black finger paint eyes on their wings
dart and settle, eddy and mate
over the green tangle of vines
in Labor Day morning steam.
The year grinds into ripeness and rot,
grapes darkening, pears yellowing,
the first Virginia creeper twining crimson,
the grasses, dry straw to burn.
Stone Pot.
The New Year rises, beckoning
across the umbrellas on the sand.
I begin to reconsider my life.
What is the yield of my impatience?
What is the fruit of my resolve?
I turn from frantic white dance
over the jungle of productivity
and slowly a niggun slides,
cold water down my throat.
I rest on a leaf spotted red.
Now is the time to let the mind
search backwards like the raven
loosed to see what can feed us.
Now, the time to cast the mind forward
to chart an aerial map of the months.
The New Year is a great door
that stands across the evening
and Yom Kippur is the second door.
Between them are song and silence,
stone and clay pot to be filled from within myself.
I will find there both ripeness and rot,
what I have done and undone,
what I must let go with the waning days
and what I must take in.
With the last tomatoes, we harvest the fruit of our lives
Family and Children’s Services for the High Holidays
by Marilyn Weinberg
Rosh Hashanah
Monday, September 10
4:00 p.m.
Minnie Brown Center
Yom Kippur
Wednesday, September 19
4:00 p.m.
Minnie Brown Center
Join us on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur afternoon at the Minnie Brown Center for a special service for children, families and anyone who would like to welcome in the New Year 5779 with songs, stories, and creative prayer.
Rabbi Vinikoor will lead these special High Holiday services. These will be hands-on, no-experience-needed gatherings where we will celebrate a wide variety of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur prayers and customs.
Flowers for the High Holidays
by Marina Singer
If you are interested in contributing toward the synagogue flowers for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, please contact Marina Singer. Please include the names of the people you would like to honor or remember.
Your donations for the flowers should be sent to:
Beth Israel Congregation
PO Box 244
Bath, ME 04530
Selichot Observance
by Rabbi Lisa Vinikoor
Saturday, September 1
7:00 p.m.
Join Beth Israel Congregation for our Selichot observance. Through prayer, music and reflection, Selichot is a terrific opportunity to help you prepare for the High Holidays. We will begin the evening with dessert and Havdallah followed by a contemplative prayer service. No RSVP needed. All are welcome.
A New Year of Tot Shabbat
by Rachel Connelly
After a welcome summer recess I am looking forward to another year of Tot Shabbat programs. These monthly programs (mostly the first Saturday of the month) are designed to engage toddlers and preschoolers and their parents (or grandparents) in activities related to Shabbat and the annual cycle of Jewish holidays. We meet from 10:00–11:00 am in the basement of the Minnie Brown Center. There are always blocks and books, songs and crafts. We bless the Shabbat candles and the “wine” and then devour some delicious Challah. No RSVP is needed, come when you can.
Our first Tot Shabbat of the new school year is September 8. Rabbi Vinikoor will be joining us and the theme will be Rosh Hashana. There will be a shofar to try and apples and honey to add to our Challah snack.
Complete List of Dates for Tot Shabbat 2018-2019
September 8
October 6
*November 3
December 1
January 12
February 2
March 2
April 6
May 4
June 1
*Stay for an early lunch at 11:30 joint with the Torah Study group
Looking forward to seeing all my toddler and preschool friends.
Beth Israel Religious School
by Camille Kauffunger
Beth Israel Religious School enrollment is easy this year with online registration forms and payment options, and tuition in now included when you join the Beth Israel Congregation community!
Our weekly Thursday afternoon schedule from 4:00-6:00 pm, keeps weekends open for busy families commuting from as far as Wiscasset and Freeport to our Bath location at the Minnie Brown Center. Our students in grades 2–5 stay for two hours, and our students in K–1 have the option either to stay from 4:00-5:15 pm or for the full time. Many of our families carpool, and we are happy to help parents make connections with other families coming from the same locations.
We are lucky to have Rabbi Vinikoor serving as teacher and school director with our returning teachers of Susan Horowitz and Alina Shumsky. We are so pleased that Anita Lichman has agreed to join our wonderful group of educators. We are looking forward to welcoming back our continuing students and introduce new children to our school community.
The first day of our Religious School is Thursday, September 6. For additional information about Beth Israel Religious School, Enrollment Forms, or to pay our new material fee or non-member tuition, visit here...
Rosh Hashanah Community Luncheon and Tashlich
by Marilyn Weinberg
Monday, September 10
12:30 p.m. (following services)
Minnie Brown Center
Rosh Hashanah is the time when we all come together as a community. Our High Holiday potluck community luncheons have been a great opportunity to renew acquaintances.
We will begin our Rosh Hashanah luncheon at the Minnie Brown Center immediately following morning services on Monday, September 10, at approximately 12:30 p.m. It will be great opportunity to catch up with each other and share some delicious food, for which our members are known.
We will then go together for a Tashlich service at the waterfront in Bath at approximately 1:30 p.m. You can drop off a "non-meat" dish at the Minnie Brown Center before you come to services.
Yom Kippur Break Fast
by Marilyn Weinberg
Wednesday, September 19
7:30 p.m.
As usual our annual potluck break fast will begin right after we blow the shofar and have Havdalah, signaling the end of Yom Kippur. There is something very special about being together to break the fast. The break fast will be held at the Synagogue. You can drop off food any time at the Synagogue on September 18 or 19.
Community Sukkot Celebration
by Marilyn Weinberg
Sunday, September 23
Save the Date. On Sunday, September 23, we will celebrate Sukkot with our annual Community wide Sukkot celebration. We are still making final preparations and will be sending out the details in one of our wonderful new email blasts. We have a great day planned, so mark your calendars now.
Simchat Torah Celebration
by Marilyn Weinberg
Sunday, September 30
4:00 p.m. Service
5:00 p.m. Pot Luck Community Dinner
We will be celebrating Simchat Torah this year on Sunday, September 30, at the synagogue. Rabbi Vinikoor will lead us in this celebration with the help of many of our Hebrew School students. This will be followed by a pizza dinner with potluck salads and desserts at 5:00 p.m.
This holiday is a celebration of the Torah and you will have a chance to march with the Torah as we make our way around the sanctuary seven times. There will be singing and dancing as we proceed. It is not only a great time for adults, but also a great time for children to come, as they will receive an honorary aliyah as the Torah is read.
Update from the Social Action Committee
Joanne Rosenthal
The committee met on August 8 to chart a course for the new year. Among the topics covered were voter engagement and how to get college students and first time voters registered. We will work with the Bowdoin College Hillel to accomplish this important goal.
Our work with the Midcoast New Mainers Support Group will continue, while seeking further opportunities for interfaith dialogue. Signage proclaiming our support of immigrants is being explored. We encourage members of the congregation to sign up to receive emails from the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism, There, you will learn about the Urgency of Now campaigns and have access to free online webinars and calls to action. For Sukkot, we will look for ways to include the local, new Mainer families in our celebrations.
The next meeting of the Social Action Committee is scheduled for September 5 at 4:00 pm, in Bath (location TBD). ALL are welcome. Contact Joanne Rosenthal with any questions.
Shabbat Under The Stars
by Marilyn Weinberg
The Chai Committee and our whole congregation extend a very special thank you to Barbara & Robert Lenox. Barbara and Barrett Silver and Norma Dreyfus and Stan Lane for hosting our Shabbat Under the Stars program this summer.
Although we were rained out in June, it held off in July just in time for us to enjoy the beautiful outdoors at the Silver’s home on July 27. Barbara and Barrett Silver sponsored a lovely dinner followed by an outdoor service in their garden. With special readings and prayers and a great Torah discussion, all those who attended felt a special connection and appreciation of all of our traditions.
We look forward to our next service at the Dreyfus-Lane home on August 24. There is something so special about having our Shabbat services outdoors. Maybe we can plan more for next year.
We Asked and You Answered. Thanks!
by Rachel Connelly
Thanks to everyone who contributed to our Beth Israel By the Numbers end of the fiscal year fundraising campaign. Our goal was to raise $15,000 to close the gap between our annual expenses 2017–2018 and our income. We are thrilled to report that we made our goal and more! In total, we raised $21,677, putting us in a strong position for the beginning of our new fiscal year.
Sad to say, operating expenses don’t go away even with a such a successful fundraising effort, so please give generously along with your dues for 2018–2019.
The fundraising committee is looking for both members and ideas. Look for an announcement of a meeting time soon after the High Holidays. In the meantime, if you would consider joining our committee contact Rachel Connelly
Rabbi Vinikoor’s Installation—It’s Official!
by Camille Kauffunger
The heat subsided and a clear breeze blew as our midcoast Jewish community filled the Beth Israel sanctuary floor and balcony to finally and formally welcome the arrival of our new spiritual leader, Rabbi Lisa Vinikoor.
Uplifting music filled the sanctuary as Rabbi Sruli Dresdner and his wife Lisa Mayer from Auburn led the first half of the service with their beautiful songs and prayers. Next, Rabbi Erica Asch of Augusta led us in prayer and blessed many attendees who were instrumental in having Rabbi Vinikoor come to Beth Israel.
Rabbi Nancy Weiner, a mentor of Rabbi Vinikoor’s from New York’s Hebrew Union College, gave the D’var Torah, reflecting on Rabbi Vinikoor’s strengths as a passionate and effective leader. A leader’s responsibility to her congregation is to listen to and challenge each other, to learn and grow together, to be mutually concerned for each other’s spiritual and physical health, and to nourish a community where every member counts. Our Rabbi Vinikoor is dedicated to that model.
Following the service, we celebrated our Jewish community and Rabbi Vinikoor at the Minnie Brown Center with more music by Sruli and Lisa and a generous spread of good food provided by congregation members. And, yes, although not documented well in photos, we did lift Rabbi Vinikoor up in a chair while lifting our spirits with klezmer music and dancing throughout the community room. There is no doubt we are proud of our growing congregation and the precious relationship we are forming with Rabbi Vinikoor, our already proven respectful, compassionate, present, and committed spiritual leader.
At one point during the service, Rabbi Vinikoor looked out over the room and remarked that it would be beautiful to see the sanctuary as full every Shabbat. Said for a little laugh but then followed by a, “No, really,..” Rabbi Vinikoor sets the challenge for us to continue to come together as a community to celebrate, pray and participate in our future. We hope to hear from you or see you in some capacity soon!
Rabbi Weiner gave a very moving blessing for Beth Israel at the close of the service:
(Read at the Installation Ceremony)
Eternal Presence, who blessed our mothers and fathers,
bless this holy congregation.
Together we give thanks for our members:
diverse in age, interest, and background;
Jews by birth, Jews by choice,
and those of other faiths who join with us;
all who offer their time and talent,
their love and commitment.
May the spirit of peace, dignity, and respect live within these walls,
inspiring us to care for one another with compassion;
and may we be a source of goodness, light and healing for the world.
May the One who blessed the generations before us
bless us as we stand together this evening.
Let us renew ourselves for the year ahead.
Let us honor the precious legacy that is ours.
-Excerpted from "Prayer for Our Congregation," Mishkan HaNefesh: Machzor for the Days of Awe, CCAR Press (2015): 270.
May their memories be for a blessing.
Paul Goldberg | Elul 23 | September 3 |
Omar King | Elul 23 | September 3 |
Jerome Ex | Elul 25 | September 5 |
Evelyn Polster | Elul 26 | September 6 |
Claire Jacobs | Elul 27 | September 7 |
Max Perlstein | Elul 28 | September 8 |
Ilsa Fuchs | Elul 29 | September 9 |
Sarah Shartar | Tishri 5 | September 14 |
Abraham Shumsky | Tishri 5 | September 14 |
Estelle Paperno | Tishri 9 | September 18 |
Morton Jacobs | Tishri 12 | September 21 |
Henry Fuchs | Tishri 17 | September 26 |
Henry Chaim | Tishri 18 | September 27 |
Miles Weinberg | Tishri 18 | September 27 |
Israel Itzkowitz | Tishri 23 | October 2 |
Irene Lobenthal Margolis | Tishri 24 | October 3 |
Dorice Mensh | Tishri 25 | October 4 |
Sara Smith | Tishri 27 | October 6 |
Henry Cohen | Tishri 29 | October 8 |
Miriam Rosen | Heshvan 4 | October 13 |
Ted Tessler | Heshvan 4 | October 13 |
Ruth Perry | Heshvan 5 | October 14 |
Thelma Fox | Heshvan 6 | October 15 |
Herman Greenhut | Heshvan 7 | October 16 |
Milton S. Gross | Heshvan 7 | October 16 |
George Gould | Heshvan 8 | October 17 |
Milton Lobis | Heshvan 9 | October 18 |
Minnie Brown | Heshvan 14 | October 23 |
Abraham Travers | Heshvan 15 | October 24 |
Selma Shapiro Blatt | Heshvan 16 | October 25 |
Isadore Singer | Heshvan 16 | October 25 |
Nettie Friedland | Heshvan 19 | October 28 |
Listing the birthdays and anniversaries of those in our immediate family creates a wonderful opportunity for our community/shul family to have an excuse to celebrate with each other.
September Birthdays | September Anniversaries |
2 | John Darack | 3 | Larry Loeb & Linda Silberstein |
3 | Marty Fox | 23 | Ralph & Joanna Jacobs |
20 | Zelda Clegg | 29 | Lisa Tessler & Mark Ireland |
20 | Micki Gersh | ||
23 | Jeremy Fields | ||
23 | Eydie Rose Kaplan | ||
25 | Moshe Menaker | ||
25 | Beth Eisman | ||
27 | Sam Gandler | ||
28 | Barbara Silver | ||
28 | Diane Gilman | ||
29 | Emmet Stone | ||
29 | Betty Welt |
October Birthdays | October Anniversaries |
2 | Eli Menaker | 2 | Bart & Michelle Lisi-D'Alauro |
8 | Beth Pols | 7 | Thyle Shartar & Marty Fox |
14 | Evelyn Panish | 12 | Jennifer & Allan Kaplan |
15 | Thyle Shartar | 22 | Barbara & Stephen Baseman |
15 | Sue Nusbaum | ||
17 | Allan Kaplan | ||
18 | Molly Tefft | ||
18 | Jackie Soley | ||
21 | Barbara Lenox | ||
22 | Shira Gersh | ||
22 | Jacob Schoenberg | ||
25 | Stephen Baseman | ||
26 | Samuel Tefft | ||
29 | Joanna Jacobs |
welcome new members
- Jennifer and Matthew Kanwit
Memorial Gifts
- Marji Greenhut in loving memory of her mother, Sylvia Greenhut
- Mara and Donald Giulianti in loving memory of her mother, Beth Berman
- Marina and Steve Singer in loving memory of her mother, Henrietta Shapiro
- Gordon and Monica Blatt in loving memory of his father, Arthur Blatt
- Barrett and Barbara Silver in loving memory of his father, Milton Silver
- Joan and Jeremy Fields in loving memory of her father, Arthur Blatt
- Steve and Marina Singer In loving memory of his mother, Bessie Singer
- Ellen Hagler in loving memory of her father, David Goldman
- Denise Linet and Gary Torow in loving memory of her father, Abraham Linet
- Marilyn and Fred Weinberg in loving memory of her father, Max Isacoff
- Erich and Pauline Haller in loving memory of his mother, Margareta Haller
- Marcia and Leonard Klompus In loving memory of her father, Benjamin Mensh
- Jeremy and Joan Fields in loving memory of his mother, Ruth Fields
- Richard Smith in loving memory of his father, Jacob Smith
- Paul Linet in loving memory of his father, Sanford Linet
- Lance, Jolene and Carol Goldenthal in loving memory of their father, Dr. Carol Goldlenthal
Rabbi Discretionary Fund
- Richard and Linda Isen
- Temple Beth El Augusta
- Erica and Christopher Asch
- Toryean Clarke
- Rona Steingart in honor of the birthday of Pauline Haller
- Shelia Cohen
In Support of the Hebrew School
- Marcia and Leonard Klompus in loving memory of their son, Jeffrey Robert Cherner
Beth Israel by the Numbers – Close the Gap
- Sharon Drake
- Matt and Karen Filler
- Merna and Joe Guttentag
- Robert Kalish
- Larry Loeb and Linda Silberstein
- Steve and Marina Singer